Who is the Rainbow?
You might know the Rainbow as this wondrous colourful Bridge that shows itself practically magically in the sky, when the Sun is shining while it is raining. You might know the Rainbow as the symbol of Love, Diversity, Peace, Equality etc.. You might know the story about the Gold at the End of the Rainbow. You might even know the Rainbow as Bifrost; the Bridge between worlds in the northern mythology or as a creating Snake God in the Dreamtime of the Australian Aboriginies.

I too am the Rainbow. My name is Stine.
I was born in the late seventies and have thus already lived some pretty different decades. I have run a Bed and Breakfast since march 2016, and I feel that this suits the person I am and want to be pretty well. I feel joy in being of service with tasks I myself enjoy. The very best thing about my job is all of you guys. My Guests. All of whom in some way or another have found their way to my House. You always bring gifts just by being yourselves.
The house is also my Home and therefore I will be there, if I am Home when you are here. Usually, I will have time for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat, if you would like that and it suits your plans.
I am infinitely fond of freedom and flexibility which is why the house rules reflect that. You can cancel your booking until 2 pm on the day of arrival, and you can arrive any time of the day or night as long as we agree on the time in advance, so that we can make the arrangements necessary. Breakfast can also be served at any time – and if you choose ”Breakfast served by you” that is certainly a given.
So why am I the Rainbow….well, it all began with a Rainbow coloured Raincoat bought at Roskilde Festival in 2008. Ever since it has been as if the concept has found its way into everything that I am and everything that I do; even into my DNA. Continuously, it unfolds all the nuances of colours in me. You could also describe it as I paint with all the possible colours of the world. The more practical way it shows itself is by the fact that I am the hostess of a Bed and Breakfast, I am a writer, I am a Lecturer and I hope to make some kind of radiobroadcast. I am equally laughing and quiet, colourful and black/white, slow and fast, visionary and grounded. Life is an adventure with all its content, and you are very welcome to come and be a sentence, a paragraph or a full chapter in my Fairy Tale.